There are several ways to make coffee, but the two most popular ways are by using instant coffee or a coffeemaker. They each have their own method of making the coffee, but the bottom line is that they both make a delicious cup of coffee. Of course, the type of bean you choose and the…
Preserving Fruits and Vegetables
Preserving Fruits and Vegetables Summer is the time of year that everyone goes crazy over fresh fruits and vegetables from the garden or the local farmer’s market. Many of us just want to buy produce in bulk and if we grow our own, we end up with way more than we can use. The…
How to Dice a Tomato the Proper Way
How to Dice a Tomato the Proper Way Tomatoes are a very versatile vegetable. While some people prefer to eat them raw, many others choose to add them into the pot of food that they are cooking in order to enhance the food. There is a certain way one should dice a tomato. Read further…
How to Seed a Tomato
How to Seed a Tomato At times, you may find a recipe that mentions to use a seedless tomato. A different technique is used for cutting when you need a seedless tomato. Learn how to seed a tomato by reading the rest of this article. Seeding a Tomato the Simple Way First you will…