With today’s economy saving money on gas is a must. The price of gas is just way too high. I put together a few tips that can help you cut your gas bill in half. Spend your money how you want, not on things you don’t have to.

1. Check your air filter. Make sure it’s clean and up to date. Doing this could save you almost $0.20 a gallon by giving you more MPG.
2. Get your tires balance. Making sure your car is properly aligned will ensure your car isn’t working any harder than what is has to. The less your car has to work, the more gas you save. Plus as an added bonus, you will save your tires from ware and tare.
3. When was the last time your car had a tuneup? Keeping your engine maintained can save you mega bucks. With a new tuneup you can save another $0.20 or so on a gallon of gas.
4. Make sure your tires have just the right amount of air. Vehicles with tires that are under inflated use way more gas than needed. Check your user manual to see how much air your tires need to function properly.
5. Check to make sure your gas cap is in good working order. As weird as it may sound, if your cap isn’t in good working order your gas may be escaping. The vapors will seep right out leaving you high and dry. Always make sure your cap is on tight.
6. Don’t speed. It’s not safe and it’s not good for your gas mileage. Slowing down will increase your gas mileage by almost 15%. Every little bit adds money to your pocket.
7. Don’t ride your brakes! Using your brakes when it isn’t necessary not only puts ware on them, but kills your gas mileage. Increase your gas mileage by almost 35% by following this tip.
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