Green Tea Offers Many Health Benefits
Several studies indicate that green tea extract can protect a person from certain diseases. Researchers are finding that people who drink it on a regular basis tend to live longer and healthier lives. A person can reduce his risks for cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease just by drinking a few cups each day.
In eastern cultures, green tea has been used for a long time. According to the National Institutes of Health, it has been used in China for more than 5,000 years. It was often used as an aid to help people stay alert while they meditated. As a result of numerous studies, these health benefits are being taken more seriously.
Green Tea Extract for Cancer Preventiont
Another benefit of green tea that is getting attention is the protection it offers from cancer. An increasing number of studies indicate that a person can dramatically reduce their chances of developing cancer by regularly drinking this type of tea. Cancer cell growth is slowed by an antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that is contained within it. This antioxidant specifically targets cancer cells that contain a protein known as laminin receptor.
These findings are included in a study that was published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.
According to researchers, cancer of the prostate, breasts, and lungs, can be prevented with the help of EGCG. This cancer prevention benefit can be maintained by drinking two or three cups of green tea a day.
Benefits of Green Tea for the Brain
It appears that another benefit is that it protects the brain from the deterioration associated with Alzheimer’s disease. According to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the EGCG in green tea reduces the production of a protein called beta-amyloid, which damages nerves in the brain, causing memory loss.
A study was conducted on mice, indicates that green tea supplements may help treat and prevent Alzheimer’s. During the study, Alzheimer’s mice were injected daily with pure EGCG for several months. Researchers noticed a 54 percent reduction in the plaque build up associated with Alzheimer’s. Researchers say green tea supplements are best because the liquid tea contains flavonoids which block the effects of EGCG. They suggest taking 1600 mg daily.
Green Tea Benefits for the Heart
Green tea extract is also good for the heart. This effect has been heavily researched. An 11 year study in Japan, that appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that drinking this tea can significantly reduce a person’s risk of dying from heart disease.
More than 40,000 people participated in the study. Researchers found that the overall death rate, as well as deaths from heart disease among the participants who drank 5 cups daily was significantly lower than those who drank less than one cup every day.
Researchers believe that the antioxidants in this type of tea has a positive impact on blood pressure and cholesterol levels and are responsible for the cardiovascular benefits.